What is the best way to load old site data into a new site? [closed]

Hello guys,

First of all, any kind of help or tips will be very appresiated.

The situation is this.

I have a running e107 2.2.0 installation on production with many things on that, served at http://www.tiflojuegos.com (is on spanish, and don’t have a great visual dessign, sorry for that)

And I want to run a development instanse at other url for testing and development purposes, for check compatibility with the latest git commit version of e107 before upgrade production, but with a similar database that the original, in a different schema.

So, what is the correct way to copy the data from the production database to the test database?

I’ve tried various things, but nothing works without issues. I’ve tried using the export function at the tools/database menu in admin page, but after install the development site, the tools/import option didn’t work. The page uploads (aparentli) the XML file (the size is aprox 40MB) but nothing is imported.

The other option that i’ve tried, was get a dump of my production database (with mysqldump) and next, load that dump in a empty database, and point the development site to that new database with the dump loaded. Aparently works with various issues, but when I want to log-in to the site with any user, the page don’t log-in and not create the session.

If I put a wrong password, it dettects the wrong password and launch the correct alert, but when the login is correct, don’t say anithing bad, and returns to the same page when you are trying to login, so… Didn’t work.

Sooo, what I’m doing bad?

Are some tables that I not have to import with the dump? the dump aren’t the correct way?

The import feature currently isn’t working?

Please any help will be fine.

Thanks soo far, and sorry por the long post!







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